License Request Issues

Hey all - creating a master thread to track issues with the license server. If you have any issues requesting an Ego4D or Ego-Exo4D license at, please read this post then add a comment to the thread if you still face issues.

Common Issues:

  • Failed to Fetch Error: This happens when the server is restarting or goes down. Please wait 5 minutes and refresh to try again. If you still see the ‘Failed to Fetch’ error, post below with the time of error.

  • Address or Name too long: Due to DB constraints, we have a limit on the number of characters allowed. Please use a shorter version of your name or address if possible, else reach out at

  • Waited 48 hours, but didn’t receive an access key: Please submit the form again using the same email + address as before. If there was previously an email issue in the system, it should send your access key immediately. If you don’t get any email, please post below.

  • Never received an email: You should first get an “Access Under Review” email after signing the license on HelloSign. Wait 48 hours after signing. If you waited and didn’t get any emails (or didn’t get the “Access Under Review” email), please post below.

Hey - I signed up for ego4d license months ago. It should’ve expired by now. However, when I go to the license page it immediately sends me an email with an AWS ID / secret key.

However these credentials do not work.

EDIT: I waited a few minutes and tried again and now downloading