I am trying to download all the parts for a specific video (or set of videos), I get:
"ERROR: could not get manifests for all parts (nothing to download)
NOTE: Did you configure your AWS client correctly? See: No instruction how to set Access ID and Access Key for EgoExo4D · Issue #277 · facebookresearch/Ego4d · GitHub
This could also be due to your internet connection."
Example command is: egoexo -o EgoExo4D --parts all --uids a261cc1d-7a45-479f-81a9-7c73eb379e6c
However, if I do not use “–parts all” part or if I select some specific parts for download, it works.
Is there a problem with my configuration or am I using the CLI Downloader incorrectly?
Thank you in advance for your help!