Firstly, thank you for your work. I tried to download the dataset via following command at my local machine and cloud server. But i faced the same question :"**botocore.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint URL: "“**.”
I appreciate it if anyone can help me to solve it.
(ego4d) (base) /mnt/data/airaiot/LiangCheng/Ego4d> python -m ego4d.cli.cli --output_directory=“/mnt/data/airaiot/LiangCheng/data” --datasets full_scale --video_uids 19db1542-5537-46cd-82d1-7f72e356a2a9 --metadata --version v2 --aws_profile_name ego4d
Datasets to download: {‘full_scale’}
Download Path: /mnt/data/airaiot/LiangCheng/data/v2
Ego4D Metadata: /mnt/data/airaiot/LiangCheng/data/ego4d.json
Checking requested datasets and versions…
Created download directory for version ‘v2’ of dataset: ‘full_scale’ at: /mnt/data/airaiot/LiangCheng/data/v2/full_scale
Only downloading a subset of the video files because the ‘video_uids’ flag has been set on the command line or in the config file. A total of 1 video files will be downloaded.
Retrieving object metadata from S3…
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 1470.14object/s]
Checking if latest file versions are already downloaded…
0%| | 0/1 [00:09<?, ?file/s]
botocore.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint URL: “”.