Hello, thank you for your work, I have received the permission to download. But I’m having trouble downloading it. Firstly I ran “aws configure” and entered my Access Key ID and Access Key. Then I tried many names when entering region name, such as ap-east-1, us-east-1. However, there is always an error: “botocore.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint URL: “https://ego4d-iiith.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/””.I also put the wrong stack information in the attachment.I would appreciate it if you could help me solve this error.
Hi. I still haven’t solved this problem. I would like to ask if there is any official solution. Or could you please provide an email address that can accept emails? I can send you more detailed error information. I tried this email address “noreply@ego4ddataset.com”, but it doesn’t seem to accept email.
Hey! Can you please share the command you’re running and any extra details to info@ego4d-data.org?
I’m terribly sorry! The email you sent to me was identified as spam, and I just saw your email. Thank you for your help. I have sent the relevant contents to the info@ego4d-data.org.
在2022-11-20 09:22:12,Devansh Kukreja via Ego4D Forumnotifications@ego4d-data.discoursemail.com写道:
hi,have you solved this error?
Hi, have you solved this error? I’m now faced with the same problem and looking for help
From Googling this issue:
- python - Boto3 S3 - Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint - Stack Overflow
- amazon web services - AWS S3 CLI - Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint - Stack Overflow
- python - ConnectionClosedError: Connection was closed before we received a valid response from endpoint URL: - Stack Overflow
One thing that may be the issue is a VPN or a firewall. You can try adjusting the connection timeout on this line: Ego4d/ego4d/cli/download.py at main · facebookresearch/Ego4d · GitHub to say 300
(this is in seconds). You can also try decreasing the number of workers (which corresponds to concurrent connections), on this line: Ego4d/ego4d/cli/download.py at main · facebookresearch/Ego4d · GitHub (try max_workers=4
You’ll need to clone the repo if you do this, i.e.
git clone https://github.com/facebookresearch/Ego4d
cd Ego4d
conda create -n ego4d python=3.11 # create or use an existing env
conda use ego4d
pip install .
and ensure "."
is in your PYTHONPATH, i.e.
export PYTHONPATH="."
And then, run the script after you’ve modified the code, for example:
python3 ego4d/cli/cli.py -o <out-dir> --version v2 --datasets <your-options-here> ...
Did you solve it ? I am facing the same question now , can someone help?