2025 Ego4D+Ego-Exo4D Challenges Launched!

Dear friends,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 2025 Ego4D & Ego-Exo4D Challenges.

This competition calls on the research community to advance the state of the art on 14 challenges, representing Ego4D and Ego-Exo4D’s core benchmarks. We will specifically host competition tracks on Episodic Memory, Social Understanding, Forecasting, Key Step Recognition, Body+Hand Pose Estimation, and Viewpoint Correspondences. Learn more here.

Winners will be announced at the Second Joint Egocentric Vision (EgoVis) Workshop at CVPR 2025. Prize funding is available in the amount of $14,000.

We thank our partners at EvalAI for helping to host our challenge. Please reach out with any question on the Ego4D Forum and we encourage you all to join the effort and advance understanding of first-person visual experiences.

The challenge launched on March 1 with the leaderboard closing on May 19, 2025. Let’s go!!

Best regards,

Ego4D & Ego-Exo4D Consortium