Could Someone Give me Advice on Integrating Ego4D Data for Object Recognition Projects?

Hello there,

I am working on a project that aims to leverage ego-centric video data for enhancing object recognition algorithms. I have been exploring the Ego4D dataset and I am impressed by the richness of the data it offers. Although; I am encountering a few challenges in effectively integrating this data into my workflow and I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice from the community.

What are the best practices for preprocessing the Ego4D data to make it suitable for training deep learning models? :thinking: Are there any recommended tools or libraries that can streamline this process?

How can I efficiently extract and utilize features from ego centric video sequences? Are there any proven methods or algorithms that work particularly well with this type of data?

Also, I have gone through this post; which definitely helped me out a lot.

What approaches have others found effective when integrating Ego4D data with existing object recognition frameworks? :thinking: Are there any specific architectures or techniques that you would recommend?

Thank you in advance for your help and assistance. :innocent:

How can I efficiently extract and utilize features from ego centric video sequences? Are there any proven methods or algorithms that work particularly well with this type of data?

This depends on what task you are trying to solve. A common pattern is: pre-train with self-supervised loss (e.g. MAE) and then fine-tune. CLIP-based (language) pre-training can also be leveraged to obtain strong features, e.g. see PaliGemma.

For Ego4D/EgoExo4D, there are pre-extracted features:

The models we extracted features for are: Omnivore and MAWS CLIP.

For object detection specifically. Here are some recommendations on the models/architectures to look into:

Fundamentally all of the above are transformers (ViT-based).

What are the best practices for preprocessing the Ego4D data to make it suitable for training deep learning models? :thinking: Are there any recommended tools or libraries that can streamline this process?

Generally speaking: downscale the video & partition it (by time). Working with the longer and full resolution videos is hard and inefficient due to decoding time. Although for object detection, you likely do want relatively high resolution (compared to classification tasks).

For object detection related tasks:

  • This paper contains an ablation on resolution (for keypoint detection). See Table 4
  • OWLv2 preprocesses to 960px short-side
  • There are other papers showing resolution does improve performance (though there is obviously a compute trade-off)

Use FFMPEG to process the videos. Here is a downscale and trim script (it works with SLURM). You will have to adjust it to trim at timepoints where there are annotations.

For Ego4D:

  • You can use timestamps in FHO annotations to trim the videos. FHO is available in the canonical clips.
  • EgoTracks: refer to here
  • There are some bounding boxes for faces in AV-Social

For Ego-Exo4D:

  • Body and hand pose indirectly gives you bounding boxes (or segmentation masks if you use SAM2): EgoPose | Ego-Exo4D Documentation
  • Relations have segmentation masks tracked for the entire video (take). You can derive a bounding box from a mask.

recommended tools or libraries that can streamline this process?

As for reading the videos: use Decord (only if you have partitioned the videos by time).